My Ancestors

You call upon me
Into an unfamiliar territory
A jungle where I doubt my survivals skills
Comfort is immediately stripped off
Yet you expect of me
To remain calm
And answer your calling
Whilst I thirst of my comfort zone
As well as a possible way out

You respond accordingly
“There is no alternative”
Your actions make it clear
It’s either I answer the calling
Or I may never be answered
When you speak and make a decision
I listen and submit to your instructions

The time is now
To live for something
Other than everything
It is not easy
Exactly not what I imagined
But it is worth it
To be different
Spiritually be of assistance and healing to others

To walk towards the deep ends of the sea
Though the depth underneath
And the footpath through the jungle
Remains a mystery
And also live life on different rules
That do not apply to everyone
Who I am to refuse?
I accept

All is the mind

I am on top and on the edge of my world
It feels exceptionally good
The scenery is breathtaking
being able to see it all
from above
and take it all in
Having absolute control right in the palm of my hands
But one wrong step, I shall fall
It’s a long way down, I admit
That’s what crazily drives me
Knowing exactly what I am to lose
That which is on the line and the price tag attached
Uncertainties’ of living, achieving goals, fear of all; death, disappointments, failures
Are mere aspects that fuel me with the ultimate motivation
Of pushing down my own prison walls of fear and restrictiveness of self-freedom and potential of being – the best of me
Breaking down barriers, and walk over obstructions and a negative state of mind
One which brings out the best and fighter in me
And I love it, for if not for it, I’d still be in one place
Static; with no movement attempted of going forward
Paralysed by my own negative thoughts, self-doubts and demons
That I would have intentionally accommodated to exist in me
However, that’s not the case with me
Living on the edge, not wanting to fail; are exactly what electrify me
To thunderously strive to become the best that I know I am today
With that I am today, on top of my world,
For I made a choice to be here in spite of all the odds – That came my way
As that is what life is all about; making choices – But I made some that led me to my presence and ultimately leading towards my destination